Politician Info
C Donald Bacon (R - NE)

Representative Donald Bacon has had a mixed record regarding marijuana legislation. He has publicly stated that he does not believe the plant should be legalized personally, but voted in favor of and co-sponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, a progressive piece of ancillary legislation. While not a pioneer for reform, Rep. Bacon is not an active opponent. 

Holds office U.S. House District 2


When speaking about the MORE Act of 2020 Rep. Bacon tweeted, "This bill was not a states' rights bill on marijuana. It mandated legalization & will use taxpayer money to support the marijuana industry. I want Nebraskans to make this choice for Nebraska & tax payers shouldn’t have to subsidize any marijuana business." (12/04/20)

And on the question of medical marijuana, Bacon said he doesn't personally support legalization but believes states should make the decision.
4/29/18 http://www.omaha.com/news/metro/guns-medical-marijuana-russia-investigation-are-hot-topics-at-don/article_c1bf82df-6885-5c6b-ab2c-288ab289a427.html

2022: Medical Marijuana Research Act, HR 5657
2022: MORE Act, HR 3617
2021: SAFE Banking Act, HR 1996
2020: MORE Act, HR 3884
2019: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1595
2019: Blumenauer/McClintock/Norton Amendment to Protect Legalization
Contact Donald Bacon

Email: Info@donjbacon.com

Web: https://donjbacon.com/

Phone: 202-225-4155


2104 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

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