Politician Info
"I support the decriminalization of marijuana and making marijuana available for recreational use in Illinois."

Holds office State Senate District 27

Position on Marijuana Legalization

"I support the decriminalization of marijuana and making marijuana available for recreational use in Illinois. I believe details need to be worked out and I will negotiate to establish an effective method for sale, distribution, and taxation of cannabis products. I support releasing those who have been incarcerated for marijuana use, possession, and sale be released and have their records expunged so long as their conviction did not include a concurrent conviction for a violent act or other violation of law."

(email correspondence with Chicago NORML, September 2018)

"It should be taxed as a new revenue source for the state government. Both through scientific research and statistics from states that have legalized marijuana, it has been shown to have less safety, medical and psychological impacts on individuals than alcohol. Further enforcement has needlessly resulted in a disproportionate number of African American males being incarcerated, even though the incident of marijuana use among African American populations is no more than in Caucasian populations. Legalization with taxation will both increase state revenues and reduce prison populations."  (Chicago Sun Times, 03/06/18)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I will support extension of the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program and to move it from a pilot program to permanent status, incorporating what is learned from the pilot project to assure that access is available to all those who medically need to use cannabis."

"I support the expansion of medical marijuana availability to all conditions which can be demonstrated to be alleviated by the use of marijuana."  (email correspondence with Chicago NORML, September 2018)

Contact Ann Gillespie

Email: info@senatoranngillespie.org

Web: https://www.ilga.gov/senate/Senator.asp?GA=103&MemberID=3129

Phone: 217-782-4471


Stratton Office Building Section C , Room C

Springfield, IL 62706

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