Politician Info
D Mary Edly-Allen (D - IL)

Holds office State Senate District 31

Position on Marijuana Legalization

"She favors re-amortizing the state’s pension debt and would vote to legalize recreational marijuana, as long as best practices are used to regulate it."  (Chicago Sun Times, 10/19/18)

"Yes. I believe recreational marijuana should be legalized and taxed, but it must also be regulated using available best practices.
When Illinois legalized medicinal marijuana it employed some of the strictest licensing standards for growth and distribution of any state in the country. We can learn from the mistakes of other states and consider efforts as strict and cautious as our state’s legalization of medicinal marijuana – strict standards on who can grow it, how it’s grown, what’s in it, who can purchase it, who can sell it and at what age one is allowed to buy it."  (Chicago Sun Times, 10/26/18)

Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act
Medical Cannabis Sunset Bill
Ashley's Law 2.0
Contact Mary Edly-Allen

Email: info@MaryForIL31.com

Web: https://www.senatoredlyallen.com/

Phone: 217-782-7353


Stratton Office Building Section F, Office D

Springfield, IL 62706

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