Politician Info
A Julia Brownley (D - CA) DECRIMINALIZE

Holds office U.S. House District 26

Co-sponsored Legislation
H.R.1996 - SAFE Banking Act of 2021

H.R.3884 - MORE Act of 2019

H.R.712 - VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2019

H.R.1595 - SAFE Banking Act of 2019

H.R.2215 - SAFE Act of 2017 (2017-2018)

H.R.5520 - VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2018 (2017-2018)



"Marijuana reform laws have passed in 47 states, and federal cannabis decimalization is long overdue. Today, I voted for #MOREAct to end the criminalization of marijuana possession and use and begin repairing the harm of decades of failed drug policy." 4/1/22

The state of California has the right to enact its own policies on marijuana, and the voters have spoken. Rather than wasting taxpayer money going after medical and recreational marijuana users, Attorney General Sessions should concentrate on protecting Americans from criminals.

"There is a clear need for more rigorous research to fully determine the efficacy of medical marijuana--especially when it comes to its potential to treat our veterans."

"Not only does [medical cannabis] have the potential to help veterans, but it could make headway in the country's epidemic of opioid addiction," Rep. Julia Brownley said at a press conference unveiling poll details quantifying veteran support of medical marijuana research expansion.

Gov't must end fed prohibition on med. marijuana. @VetAffairsDems urging @DeptVetAffairs to research for vets coping w/chronic pain & PTSD.


2021: The Medical Marijuana Research Act, HR 5657


2021: The MORE Act, HR 3617


2021: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1996


2019: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1595


2019: Blumenauer/McClintock/Norton Amendment to Protect Legalization


2016: Veterans Equal Access Amendment


2015: Rohrabacher/Farr Amendment to Protect Medical

2015: McClintock/Polis Amendment to Protect Legalization
Contact Julia Brownley

Email: info@juliabrownley.com

Web: https://www.juliabrownley.com/

Phone: 202-225-5811


2262 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

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