Politician Info

Out of the 25 attendees in a 2017 listening session, nine people voiced their support of legalizing medical marijuana in the state. Many cited mental health issues they believed would be better treated with cannabis oil than with pharmaceuticals.  “There is a lot of interest on both sides of the issue,” LeMahieu said. “… It is great to have these listening sessions and hear people’s opinions.

His office has continued to ignore the issue and has chosen to remain uneducated while sticking to prohibition as the ideal model set forth by the federal government.


Holds office State Senate District 9

  • Born Sheboygan, Wisconsin, August 8, 1972; single.
  • Graduate Sheboygan County Christian High School, 1991; B.A. in Business Administration and Political Science, Dordt College (Sioux Center, Iowa), 1995.
  • Publisher/owner, Lakeshore Weekly.
  • Member: Oostburg Chamber of Commerce; Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce; Bethel OPC (deacon); NRA (life member).
  • Recipient: Wisconsin Wildlife Association State Conservation Legislator of the Year, 2015; League of Wisconsin Municipalities Strong Municipal Supporter, 2016; Cemetery and Cremation Association Legislator of the Year, 2016; Wisconsin Counties Association Outstanding Legislator Award, 2016; Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians Friend of Family Medicine, 2016; ABC-Wisconsin Building Wisconsin Award, 2018; Wisconsin Grocers Association Friend of Grocers, 2016; Wisconsin Builders Association Friend of Housing, 2016; WMC Working for Wisconsin, 2018; MMAC Champion of Commerce, 2017–18; Wisconsin Coalition for International Adoption Friend of International Adoption, 2016; Friend of Nursing Award, 2018; Reining in Government Award, 2018,
  • Sheboygan County Board supervisor, 2006–15, Human Resources Committee, 2006–15 (chair, 2010–14), Finance Committee, 2012–15, Executive Committee, 2010–12.
  • Elected to Senate since 2014.

Member of Wisconsin Aerospace Authority

Position on Medical Marijuana

Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu (R-Oostburg) tells CBS 58 since it’s still illegal at the federal government, he’s not open to legalizing marijuana in any form. 

“If the FDA approves it, I would be open to it, but at this point, the federal government hasn’t done that,” LeMahieu said. 

LeMehieu said he could only see himself supporting marijuana use for medical purposes if there was strict enforcement, but reiterated concerns that the federal government currently classifies cannabis as a substance 1 drug.


“If the federal government delists it and it goes through FDA testing, then it should be treated like any other drug,” LeMahieu said. “If there’s advantages to it, if it helps out people, I have no problem with it as long as a doctor’s prescribing it.

“But I think that discussion needs to be done at the federal level and not have some rogue state doing it without actual science behind it.” (4/15/21)

"My district is heavily manufacturing; they're concerned it might have, in their workplaces, causing problems with people who are high on the job if it's more accessible," LeMahieu said." (4/15/21)

"Recreationally, no, I'm not [in favor of legalization]." LeMahieu said. "I've heard from local law enforcement, law enforcement around the state have all taken stands it's really dangerous to be legalizing marijuana recreationally at this point."

"Unless it's approved and there's tight ways it's used for medicinal purposes, then maybe we can start having that discussion," LeMahieu said. (2/19/21)

Contact Devin LeMahieu

Email: Sen.LeMahieu@legis.wisconsin.gov

Web: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2023/legislators/senate/2425

Phone: 608-266-2056


State Capitol, Room 211 South Post Office Box 7882

Madison, WI 53707-7882

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