In 2019 Ammons gave a passionate speech regarding the devastation of the drug war on black people directly after a "No Vote" on the Adult-Use bill being voted on.
Holds office State House District 103
While Ammons did not vote on the Recreational bill that passed in 2019, she did so because she felt it did not go far enough to correct the damage of the drug war. She was the Lead sponsor of HB902 - Cannabis Legalization Equity Act which would have allowed a much higher possesion limit and would reserve 51% of licenses for minorities.
SB10 - 'Adds PTSD as a qualifying condition' (2016)
SB2228 - Decriminalization Bill (2016)
SB4870 - Ashley's Law (2018)
HB902 - Cannabis Legalization Equity Act (2019)
Phone: 217-558-1009
288-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706