Politician Info

Governor Evers went further than any campaign promise he made and included legalization of marijuana in the 2021-22 budget only to have it removed by Republicans.  Under Evers leadership a majority of Democrats co-sponsored the 2021-22 adult use legislation.   Evers has signaled he will include legalization in the 2023-24 budget if re-elected.

Governor Evers has proposed everything he could and presented it to the State Republicans in several ways and they have all been rejected. Evers could call for an Executive Order, but the Republicans would gavel the session in and out before we could even light a joint down in Madison (where pot is basically legal to consume).

If re-elected, Evers will continue to make sure cannabis reform is a high priority.

Holds office Governor

Position on Marijuana Legalization

Included recreational and medical marijuana provisions in the 2021-22 budget.

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"UWL fourth-year Jared Zwettler said, 'To what extent would you work to try to expunge the criminal records of those previously convicted of marijuana, possession, or consumption?'

'It would be illogical not to attempt to do that. If it’s legal now, but there are thousands of people here that have been convicted of some sort of marijuana charge, some sort of expungement should be looked into,' said Governor Evers." (September 2022)

In 2019, Gov. Evers introduced language in his state budget proposal that sought to decriminalize minor marijuana possession offenses and legalize medical cannabis access. Lawmakers failed to enact either proposal. (Link)

"Gov. Evers’ budget proposal will require the Legislature to create a pathway for Wisconsinites to enshrine the will of the people into state law, including on issues and areas that have long been supported by a majority of Wisconsinites but have been repeatedly rejected by the Republican majority in the Legislature, including legalizing and regulating marijuana." (Link)



Position on Medical Marijuana


"There’s no reason Wisconsin shouldn’t be next (in legalizing adult-use marijuana) when we know Wisconsinites overwhelmingly support legalizing and taxing marijuana, much like we already do with alcohol." (Twitter, 5/30/23)
"The will of the people should be the law of the land. Nearly two-thirds of Wisconsinites support legalizing marijuana. It's time for us to join red and blue states across the U.S. by legalizing and taxing marijuana, much like we already do with alcohol." (Twitter, October 2022)
"It's been great visiting with UW students across our state this week, including at @UWLaCrosse, to hear about the issues they care about—like reproductive freedom, combating climate change, and legalizing and taxing marijuana." (October 2022)
"It’s time to legalize marijuana – and tax it, much like we already do with alcohol." (September 2022)

“I am vetoing this bill in its entirety because I object to creating additional criminal offenses or penalties related to marijuana use,” he said. “This bill represents a continuation of past policies and paradigms we know have had detrimental effects on people, families, and communities across our state while also creating a new sentencing disparity for marijuana resin.” 2/4/22

“As a cancer survivor, I know the side effects of a major illness can make every task a struggle. People shouldn't be treated like criminals for accessing medicine that can change or maybe even save their lives.” (Link) 2019

“When more than 80 percent of our state supports medical marijuana…and elected officials can ignore those numbers without consequence, folks, something’s wrong.” (Link) 2019

Contact Tony Evers

Email: EversInfo@wisconsin.gov

Web: https://evers.wi.gov/Pages/Home.aspx

Phone: 608-266-1212


Post Office Box 7863

Madison, WI 53707

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