Politician Info
B+ Kevin Chambliss (D - FL)

Holds office State House District 117

Position on Marijuana Legalization

"State regulation of the distribution of marijuana can solve many issues: reducing access to children, providing a safe and reliable distribution mechanism, and allowing a state to use the tax revenue to fund other vital state programs." (Candidate Survey Response)

"The medical use of marijuana has shown immense benefits for patients struggling with chronic pain, with the side effects of chemotherapy and with anxiety disorders. Federal prohibitions on the use of medical marijuana are relics of the past, and, should a state decide that medical marijuana can be of medicinal value to its residents, should have the power to enact legislation regulating its use." (Candidate Survey Response)

"When the law is applied inequitably to target minority communities, it is the duty of the State to rectify those mistakes." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"The criminalization of the possession of marijuana is a practice deeply rooted in racial discrimination. In practice, the enforcement of laws prohibiting marijuana possession has been targeted towards Black and Brown communities, and therefore a rework of statutes surrounding the criminality of possession must occur." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"The medical use of marijuana has shown immense benefits for patients struggling with chronic pain, with the side effects of chemotherapy and with anxiety disorders. Similarly to the notion of ending the federal prohibitions on the use of marijuana , should a state decide that medical marijuana can be of medicinal value to its residents, should have the power to enact legislation regulating how it can be prescribed and distributed." (Candidate Survey Response)

Co-sponsored Legislation

CS/CS/HB 387 (2023) - Medical Use of Marijuana (Co-Sponsor)

Contact Kevin Chambliss

Email: vote4chambliss@gmail.com

Web: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/details.aspx?MemberId=4798&LegislativeTermId=89

Phone: 850-717-5117


1201 The Capitol 402 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399

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