Politician Info
C- Shelley Capito (R - WV)

Senator Capito has gone on the record saying she fully oposes legalizing marijuana, and has mentioned having significant doubts about the validity of marijuana as medicine. Regarding medical marijuana, Capito has stated that she would respect and support the majority decision of her constituents. 

Holds office U.S. Senate


1/9/18: “I’m going to go on the record as saying I’m against recreational marijuana, but I respect the states’ rights to make that decision,” said Capito, R-W.Va.

3/17/18: Cassy Lee, asks this question on the WVPB Facebook Page: Do you support adult use cannabis legislation? If so, under what conditions?

Capito says, “I have fewer issues with medical marijuana, although I don’t think we’ve researched that enough to really know, exactly, what kind of benefits but also what kind of impacts.

“But most states have moved in that direction, as West Virginia has, so I would accept that and be a supporter of that.

“On recreational use, I can’t do it. I am opposed to it. Cassy Lee is probably not going to be very happy with me. But I just feel like it’s a gateway drug. Folks in the addiction community, if you talk to them and ask their opinions, they for the most part are opposed to it. It’s a step too far for me and I’m not gonna go there.”

WVPB asked if recreational marijuana should be a federal or state issue. Capito says, “I think it probably should stay the state issue it is… I think the state oughta be the one that makes that decision.”

Protect State Medical Marijuana Programs Amendment
Veterans Equal Access Amendment
Veterans Equal Access Amendment
Protect State Medical Marijuana Programs Amendment
SAFE Banking Amendment
Veterans Equal Access Amendment
Protect State Medical Marijuana Programs Amendment
SAFE Banking Amendment
Contact Shelley Capito

Web: http://www.capito.senate.gov/

Phone: 202-224-6472


170 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

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