Politician Info
B- Ralph Hise (R - NC)

Holds office State Senate District 47

Position on Marijuana Legalization

iVoterGuide 2020 Questionnaire:

I support the legalization of recreational marijuana.

Strongly Disagree

Position on Medical Marijuana

Response to 2024 NC Family Voter question Should the N.C. General Assembly legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes? NO


2024 NC Family Voter Guide Questionnaire (LINK)

In response to 2022 NC Family Policy Council's question “Should the use of marijuana for medical purposes be legal in North Carolina?” NO


Winston-Salem Journal 6/2/2022:

Sen. Ralph Hise, R-McDowell, has questioned the safety and efficacy of medical marijuana. He also said he was concerned legislators would be removed from the regulatory process so that it would be left up to doctors to determine who qualifies for medical marijuana.

But Hise voted yes Thursday.

Winston-Salem Journal 08/26/2021:

Sen. Ralph Hise, R-McDowell, compared the recent Food and Drug Administration decision to give full authorization to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine with no similar action by the FDA on the safety and efficacy of medical marijuana.

“Where are the FDA recommendations on medical marijuana?” Hise asked. “What is the one thing they say it treats or cures?

“I know this bill has its path, but this is not about patients and receiving treatments. This is about placing North Carolina on a path that will make it more acceptable to legalize marijuana.”

Hise said that while “I applaud many of the things they’ve done in this bill,” he expressed concern that additional patient care exceptions will be added in future sessions if SB711 becomes law, and that legislators will be removed from the regulatory process and “leave it up to doctors” to determine who qualifies.
“Maybe society is changing to accept this,” Hise said. “I just didn’t want to be part of taking the first steps.”
In response to 2020 NC Family Policy Council question, "Should NC legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes?" Hise responded NO
Contact Ralph Hise

Email: ralph@ralphhise.com

Web: https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/S/298

Phone: 919-733-3460


North Carolina Senate 300 North Salisbury Street, Room 300-A

Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

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