Politician Info
A Josh Becker (D - CA)

Becker has voted well. 

Holds office State Senate District 13


Josh Becker is founder of a philanthropic fund that supports nonprofits and is one of the few legislative candidates to have the formal backing of Gov. Gavin Newsom. He’s also raised a fair amount from Silicon Valley’s biggest venture capitalists.



Position on Marijuana Legalization
Responses to Cal NORML's questionnaire: 
1. Are you in favor of the legalization of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes (or both)?  
Yes for both. 

2. Would you support lowering and/or re-configuring taxes on legal cannabis in California? Specifically, do you support:

-AB 1948 (Bonta) to eliminate cultivation tax and bring down the state excise tax to 11%.

-Gov. Newsom’s proposed cannabis tax changes, including basing the excise tax on average selling price instead of estimated markup.
In favor. Governor Newsom is a friend and supporter of my campaign.

3. Would you support a bill to protect the employment rights of cannabis users in California?

4. Would you support a bill to protect pain patients’ rights to prescription medicines if they are using doctor-recommended cannabis?

5. What measures would you take to support opening licensed cannabis businesses across California, including in your district?
 As time goes on and legal dispensaries are proven to be safe and professionally operated, I believe more cities along the Peninsula will allow them in their communities.  I understand the concern of some and each community should be able to make their own decisions about dispensaries. However, I am happy to assist in each community that will be considering allowing dispensaries with state resources that might be available.  I do believe that we're forfeiting local taxes that we should be capturing by forcing this district's consumers to dispensaries in San Jose and San Francisco. Oakland has done a very good job in allowing dispensaries in appropriate areas. We of course, need to be sensitive to local zoning control and maintain reasonable distance requirements from schools, houses of worship, and parks. 

SB 1059 (Bradford - 2024) – end double taxation at local level
AB 1775 (Haney - 2024) – allow for cannabis cafés
AB 1111 (Pellerin - 2023/24) – allow small farmers to sell directly to consumers
SB 700 (Bradford - 2023) – ban employers from asking about prior use of cannabis
AB 374 (Haney - 2023) - allow for cannabis cafés
SB 1207 (Irwin - 2023) - impose restrictive labeling requirements on cannabis
Contact Josh Becker

Email: senator.becker@senate.ca.gov

Web: https://www.joshbeckerforcalifornia.com/

Phone: 916-651-4013


1021 O Street, Suite 7250

Sacramento, CA 95814

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