Politician Info

Holds office State House District 69

Sponsored Legislation

Representative Jim Lucas authored HB 1106 and HB 1137 during the 2018 legislative session. 1106 would have legalized medical marijuana in Indiana, and 1137 would have legalized CBD oil and expanded hemp cultivation through the provisions of the Farm Bill. 


In any case, state Rep. Jim Lucas, R-Seymour, who recently visited Colorado to try the marijuana products legally sold in that state, said he will be joining Tallian's Senate effort by filing legislation in the House that would permit Hoosiers to obtain medicinal marijuana.

"This is something that Indiana needs to take up," Lucas said. "And I give you my word, I am committed to making this happen." Link

Contact Jim Lucas

Email: h69@iga.in.gov

Web: https://www.indianahouserepublicans.com/members/general/jim-lucas/

Phone: 317-234-9447


200 West Washington Street

Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786

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