Holds office U.S. House District 1
H.R.3534 - State Marihuana And Regulatory Tolerance Enforcement Act
H.R.2093 - STATES Act 2019-2020
H.R.1595 - SAFE Banking Act of 2019
H.R.3530 - Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017
H.R.1538 - CARERS Act of 2015
“States like Washington have been at the forefront of removing antiquated marijuana laws that have historically targeted communities of color. The MORE Act is an opportunity to reinvest in these communities, expunge drug convictions to give people a second chance, and allow states to make the decisions that best serve their residents.” (12/4/20)
“My bill will fix the conflict between state and federal law by giving states effectively regulating marijuana themselves, such as Washington, a waiver from the Controlled Substances Act.” DelBene said. “It also resolves the banking issues currently forcing dispensaries to operate on an unsafe, all-cash basis. These waivers will ensure people in states that have different laws than the federal government on marijuana are protected from prosecution, provided they meet certain requirements, as more and more states work to regulate marijuana in their own borders. People in these states should not live in fear of the unpredictable actions of the Attorney General and Department of Justice.” (7/28/17)
Letter about here introduced bill.
Email: info@delbeneforcongress.com
Web: https://www.flickr.com/photos/40904663@N05/with/3930810860/
Phone: 202-225-6311
2311 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515