Holds office State House District 43
When asked by The Illinois Family Institute whether the candidate supported or opposed HB2353 to legalize the purchase of marijuana, the candidate wrote in "Support".
"I have supported decriminalizing possession of marijuana, making medical marijuana available to patients who need it and I generally support legalizing marijuana in Illinois. Nevertheless, I recognize that more work needs to be done to address the concerns of law enforcement to ensure that our law enforcement officers can detect and prevent impaired driving." (Chicago Sun Times, 10/19/18)
SB0336 - Alternative to Opiates Amendment (2018)
HB1438 - Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act (2019)
Email: staterepmoeller@gmail.com
Web: https://www.ilga.gov/house/rep.asp?MemberID=2876
Phone: 217-782-8020
246-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706