Holds office State House District 119
iVoterGuide2020 Questionnaire:
I support the legalization of recreational marijuana.
Strongly Disagree
Smoky Mountain News, 1/29/2020
Another issue that Clampitt somewhat unwittingly found himself at the center of a few years back was the debate over cannabis, both medical and recreational. As more and more states — most recently, Illinois — continue the march toward nationwide recreational legalization, it’s not far-fetched to imagine that debate playing out in the North Carolina General Assembly over the next few years.
“I don’t immediately see a trend to legalize recreational marijuana, simply because some say it’s a gateway drug and some say it’s not,” he said. “Now, the CBD and the cannabis that’s used for pain management, you know I do see a use for that medically. Given the group that will hopefully be elected, I don’t see legalization of the intoxicating form of cannabis.”
Response to 2024 NC Family Voter question Should the N.C. General Assembly legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes? NO
2024 NC Family Voter Guide Questionnaire (LINK)
In response to 2022 NC Family Policy Council's question “Should the use of marijuana for medical purposes be legal in North Carolina?” YES
Smoky Mountain News 8/11/21 - Medical cannabis advancing through General Assembly
Mike Clampitt, a Republican representative who represents the other parts of Haywood County in addition to Jackson and Swain counties, has long been on the record as a supporter of medical cannabis.
“I’ve had a lot of discussion on the Compassionate Care Act,” Clampitt said. “I’m supporting it. I’ll go back to campaign trail — somebody was grilling me on it, and I had made sure I was clear. I’ve made no bones about it in the past.”
In response to 2020 NC Family Policy Council’s question, "Should NC legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes?" Clampitt answered YES
With the note "NON-THC"
The Mountaineer, January28, 2018:
Clampitt shifted the conversation to marijuana, the legal status of which has polarized people around the nation.
“One of the number one emails I get has to do with marijuana as an alternative type drug,” he said, noting that many think it could be a better, safer pain killer than opioids.
“When I say I’m not for recreational marijuana, I mean I’m not for recreational marijuana,” he said.”But I am for medicinal marijuana that doesn’t have the hallucinogens.”
However, those in attendance quickly learned that Clampitt’s opinions on medicinal marijuana are a bit murkier than his stance on recreational pot. Although he couldn’t provide a concrete answer on when medicinal marijuana should be prescribed, he did admit that it benefitted someone close to him — at least initially.
He told an anecdote about how his father, who had both a kidney and his gall bladder removed and was living in Portland, Oregon. He was prescribed marijuana in the form of edible chocolate bars.
“What I’m envisioning is taking an elderly gentleman sitting in a recliner with a cat on his lap taking a big draw, going, 'oh this is some good stuff. I feel great,’” Clampitt said.
Initially, he loved it. Clampitt even joked about trying to get his own hands on some pot.
“You get these little squares and they're 30 bucks or whatever. And I say, I know what I want for Christmas,” he said as the crowd collectively chuckled, “She said, ‘no we’re not sending it to you.’ So I said, ‘fine, I’m flying out there for New Years.’”
However, when his father received his second batch, he had an adverse reaction and developed a rapid heartbeat.
“When we solve that problem, we can create another problem," Clampitt said.
Despite his vague feelings on medicinal marijuana, Clampitt was in favor of growing hemp, which contains negligible amounts of THC — the psychoactive chemical in marijuana.
“It’s being looked at as North Carolina’s next cash crop,” he said of hemp.
D Has expressed no public support for significant marijuana law reform or has given contradictory responses.
Voting History:
Email: Young.Bae@ncleg.gov
Web: https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/715
Phone: 919-715-3005
300 North Salisbury Street, Room 633
Raleigh, NC 27603