Holds office U.S. House District 3
Cosponsor of SB 118 to legalize medical marijuana in 2018
Saying its time has come, state Sen. Morgan McGarvey on Wednesday called on the legislature to consider legalizing medical marijuana to relieve pain and suffering of terminally ill people.
"It's 2017," McGarvey, a Louisville Democrat, told members of the joint House-Senate Health and Welfare Committee. "I think it's time we had a conversation about medical marijuana without snickering." 6/21/17
Senator Morgan McGarvey, D-Louisville, testified in front of the committee. He discussed medical marijuana for palliative or end of life care.
Sen. McGarvey filed Senate Bill 243 during the 2017 Legislative Session. The act would define "medically necessary marijuana" and amend the definition of "marijuana" to allow physicians to recommend, transfer, dispense, or administer certain types of cannabidiol or CBD. It would also create a task force or commission made up of elected officials, medical professionals, and law enforcement to set standards. 6/21/17
Email: info@morganmcgarvey.com
Web: https://mcgarvey.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-5401
1527 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515