He has only served a few terms and growing on issue of medical marijuana. His district shows high support for cannabis reform and Rep. Snyder responded by at least co-sponsoring the bill to create a medical marijuana program in Wisconsin in 2019-20. Durig the 2021-22 session he emerged as a potential leader, authoring AB 1067, the Republican bill to create a medial marijuana program. He testified in favor of his bill during the Senate hearing, but was unable to get leadership to advance his bill to the public hearing stage of a bills life cycle.
Holds office State Assembly District 85
- Born Boone, Iowa, October 10, 1956; married; 2 children; 3 grandchildren.
- Graduate Oelwein Community High School (Iowa), 1974; Degree in Communications, University of Iowa, 1974–78.
- Former congressional staffer for Congressman Sean Duffy; radio host for WSAU.
- Member: Wausau Noon Rotary; ELKS Club; United Way’s Hunger Coalition and Housing and Homelessness Committee; Marathon County Health Department’s Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Committee; Marathon County Department of Social Services’ Administrative Review Panel.
- Former member: St. Therese Parish Council.
- Elected to Assembly since 2016.
Member of Educational Communications Board
2018: I am not open to recreational marijuana after talking with the Marathon County Health Department and the AODA about the harmful effects it could have on our community. I’m concerned about the negative impacts, especially on our youth, some prompted by studies I read from Colorado and California which have legalized recreational marijuana.
2019: Snyder said he doesn’t like the idea of adding legalized recreational marijuana to what for some families can be an already tough situation because of alcohol. “As troubling as that is, if we suddenly introduce marijuana, how will that affect our kids? So, when it comes to recreational at this time, I would not be in favor of it.”
2018: I’m very open to medical marijuana for patients in need. I believe it should be prescribed by a doctor like other medications. I hope the federal government declassifies it to a schedule II drug so that our universities can do medical research to help create FDA-approved drugs.
2018: I am open to discuss legalizing medical marijuana. I’ve talked with physicians and two of our county judges to hear their opinions. I see the benefits for those suffering from severe conditions that this would aid. I would like legislation that would control it like other medical prescriptions.
2019: Snyder agreed that the research has proven there are benefits to using the drug for medicinal purposes. “I’ve talked with physicians and even local judges about this. They see when it comes to relieving pain and helping people that are struggling, I’m all for it.”
2019 Assembly Bill 750 Creation of a Medical Marijuana Program
Marathon County 2018 Referendum: “Should the State of Wisconsin allow individuals with debilitating medical conditions to use and safely access marijuana for medical purposes, if those individuals have a written recommendation from a licensed Wisconsin physician?”
- 82% YES
- 18% NO
Email: Scott.Poole@legis.wisconsin.gov
Web: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2023/legislators/assembly/2515
Phone: 608-266-0654
State Capitol, Room 307 North Post Office Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708