Politician Info
D- Tom Weber (R - IL)

Holds office State House District 64

Position on Marijuana Legalization

When asked in a ILCAAAP survey (2018) if he supported or opposed "Legalization of marijuana for "recreational" use" Weber indicated 'oppose'. 


"As a county board member, I have hosted forums to help bring awareness to the current opioid issue and let families know where to go to get help. I have heard many times that marijuana is a gateway drug to opioid addiction. I also look to our experts who are aware first hand of what’s happening in states where marijuana is legal.

The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police are strongly opposed to legalizing marijuana and have compiled a lot of compelling data. In Colorado marijuana related traffic deaths have more than doubled when a drive was positive for marijuana, in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and the District of Columbia marijuana is now the leading cause for drug treatment among 12-17 year old youth and since legalization violent crime has increased 18.6%. NO we should not legalize marijuana in Illinois for recreational use."  (Chicago Sun Times, 10/19/18)

Position on Medical Marijuana

When asked in a ILCAAAP survey (2018) if he supported or opposed "Extension/expansion of medical marijuana pilot program" Weber indicated 'oppose'. He did however vote yes to expand it, in 2019.


Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act
Medical Cannabis Sunset Bill
Ashley's Law 2.0
Contact Tom Weber

Email: weber@ilhousegop.org

Web: https://www.weber64.com/

Phone: 217-782-1664


232-N Stratton Office Building

Springfield, IL 62706

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