Politician Info
B- John Bradford (R - NC) MEDICAL USE

Holds office State House District 98

Position on Marijuana Legalization

iVoterGuide 2020 Questionnaire:

I support the legalization of recreational marijuana.

Strongly Disagree

Position on Medical Marijuana

In response to 2022 NC Family Policy Council's question “Should the use of marijuana for medical purposes be legal in North Carolina?” YES


In response to 2020 NC Family PolicyCouncil’s question, "Should NC legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes?" Bradford answered UNDECIDED

With the note "The medical community supporting this 100% would be something necessary for such a law"


B- Supports legalization of medical cannabis and/or decriminalization - but did not sponsor legislation.

Bradford previously represented the district from January 2015 to December 2018

Voting History:

SB 124 LEO Managed CBD Oil Drop Box: EXCUSED ABSENCE - 2018 

HB 992/SB 771 Amend Industrial Hemp Definition: YES - 2016 

SB 313 Industrial Hemp: YES - 2015 

HB 766 Amend Cannabidiol Oil Statute: YES - 2015


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