Politician Info

Holds office State Senate District 21

Position on Marijuana Legalization

WNCN - CBS 17 4/1/2021:

Sen. Tom McInnis (R-25th District) said he opposes legalizing it for recreational uses but when asked about medical use he said, “Oh, that’s a different story. It’s got to be researched. It’s got to be proven. I want to see the data. I don’t want to see somebody’s opinion. I want to see the hard data. But, the recreational marijuana, no way.”

iVoterGuide 2020 Questionnaire:

I support the legalization of recreational marijuana.

Strongly Disagree

Position on Medical Marijuana

6/24/2024 Charlotte Observer: Medical marijuana passes NC Senate, heads to the House. Will this time be different?

Sen. Tom McInnis, a Republican from Moore County, said Monday he had “no doubt that this bill sponsor’s well intended. But as my mother used to say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” McInnis said that he buried a cousin who “smoked one marijuana joint at 14 years old and never put it down.” 



F Public opposition to significant marijuana law reform (adult use, medical, and/or decriminalization) but may have sponsored and/or voted in favor of CBD/Hemp specific bills.

McInnis has represented Senate District 25 since 2015. He is running to represent Senate District 21 in the 2023-2024 General Assembly. https://ballotpedia.org/Tom_McInnis

Voting History:

SB 3 NC Compassionate Care Act: NO - 2023

SB 711 NC Compassionate Care Act: NO - 2022

SB 168 Expand Allowed Medical Uses/Cannabis Extract: YES - 2019 

SB 124 LEO Managed CBD Oil Drop Box: YES - 2018 

HB 992/SB 771 Amend Industrial Hemp Definition: EXCUSED ABSENCE - 2016 

SB 313 Industrial Hemp: YES - 2015 

HB 766 Amend CBD Oil Statute: YES - 2015


Contact Tom McInnis

Email: Tom.McInnis@ncleg.gov

Web: https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/S/389

Phone: 919-733-5953


300 North Salisbury Street, Room 314

Raleigh, NC 27603

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