Politician Info
Position on Marijuana Legalization

Eric Brakey supported Question 1, the ballot measure that legalized and regulated the adult use of marijuana in Maine.

At the federal level, Brakey says he believes cannabis legalization is a state's rights issue.

From his campaign website: "...the Attorney General has recently taken us down a dangerous path on the rights established for states in the Tenth Amendment. I believe that when it comes to matters like cannabis policy, the federal government needs to step out of the way and let states make their own choices. States’ rights are a cornerstone of our nation’s founding, and the more power the federal government takes from the states, the further power moves away from the people and where it really belongs."

Position on Medical Marijuana

While in the state legislature, Brakey consistently supported expanding the state's medical marijuana program to provide further access for patients.

"I supported cannabis legalization and I have supported implementation of sales.  I would love to see those proceeds used to support healthcare services for our most vulnerable: our seniors and intellectually disabled." Link

“I’ve sponsored #CriminalJusticeReform legislation in Maine to allow expungement of low-level, non-violent convictions after 5 years out with no re-offense. And I do believe we should pardon and expunge non-violent cannabis convictions. White and blacks both use cannabis at similar rates, yet black Americans are convicted for these offenses at far higher rates. We need to rethink this whole system of throwing people in jail for victimless crimes,” Link

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