Holds office U.S. House District 6
"Current federal law often unjustly results in the incarceration of individuals, with a disproportionate effect on minority communities. As the legal status of marijuana changes, we must provide relief to impacted individuals. Thankfully, this work has already begun with the Biden Administration taking several actions to address marijuana-related offenses, but far more must be done to advance equal justice." (NORML Candidate Survey 10/18/24)
"There is a growing body of evidence that cannabis can have therapeutic effects, and physicians should be able to administer it appropriately to patients. Further, I am supportive of efforts to heighten our understanding of the impacts of cannabis on the human body, which is why I supported the passage of the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act." (NORML Candidate Survey 10/18/24)
H.R.1595 - SAFE Banking Act of 2019
"Federal law currently prohibits the consumption of marijuana for any purpose, but decriminalization and legalization of marijuana in states across the nation prompts serious issues that Congress must work to address. As the legal status of marijuana changes across states, it’s important we provide relief to impacted individuals and seriously reexamine our federal policies." (NORML Candidate Survey 10/18/24)
"Antiquated laws written during the War on Drugs have built blockades to urgent research that could help us better understand the physical and mental health impact of marijuana," said Congresswoman Dingell. "With the Medical Marijuana Research Act, we can empower the researchers who will educate the public about any and all potential benefits and risks of marijuana use. It is time to move our nation's drug laws into the 21st century, and this legislation is a critical piece of that process." (12/9/20)
"For decades, our nation's broken marijuana laws caused deep trauma by locking up generations of Black and Brown people, while enacting antiquated barriers to critical research," said Congresswoman Dingell. "Even though I recognize the dangers of substance use disorders and the remaining unknowns of marijuana, it is abundantly clear that inaction is not the answer. With the passage of the MORE Act today, the House of Representatives has taken a first step towards righting the wrongs of our past by giving small businesses access to banks, decriminalizing marijuana and expunging criminal records, investing in research of the physical and mental health impacts, and implementing intentional economic policies focused on those hurt most by the War on Drugs. But our work cannot end here. That is why I will continue to advocate for legislation like my Medical Marijuana Research Act to ensure researchers can conduct critical, science-driven research." (12/4/20)
"Cannabis has many medical benefits, but the Federal government has gotten in the way of further medical research that'd help us better understand the effects," said Dingell. "Removing barriers that prevent research will help provide additional treatment options for millions of patients. It's important we encourage cannabis research so we can tap into its endless medical possibilities." (1/15/20)
Email: info@debbiedingellforcongress.com
Web: https://debbiedingell.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-4071
102 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515