Politician Info
"I used to be a public defender and I have always been in favor of legalizing and regulating because I saw firsthand the tremendous waste of resources in maintaining prohibition."- As submitted to the 'NORML Candidate Questionnaire' on 6/1

Holds office State Assembly District 9

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"I have long been an advocate for legalization or decriminalization of penalties for simple possession or use."




Co-sponsored Legislation

"I have supported every piece of cannabis legislation in the Legislature. I voted for the adult use initiative when it was on the ballot. Just last session, I was the lead sponsor on AB341, the cannabis consumption lounge bill and AB400, to reform cannabis DUI laws. In prior sessions, I have worked on DUI issues as well as labeling legislation." - As submitted to the 'NORML Candidate Questionnaire' September 2022

"I publicly supported our ballot initiative here that led to the establishement of a regulated, adult use market. I sponsored AB135 from 2017 that mandates a blood draw for marijuana related driving offenses and requires that the labs only test for an impairing metabolite. I sponsored legislation that laid out a process for vacating marijuana related convictions, but our governor vetoed it."- As submitted to the 'NORML Candidate Questionnaire' on 6/1



"I have been an outspoken advocate for adult-use legalization in Nevada. I support the STATES act and would like to see a federal banking solution."
Contact Steve Yeager

Email: steve@yeager4nevada.com

Web: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/Legislator/A/Assembly/Current/9

Phone: 775-684-8533


Nevada Assembly 401 South Carson Street

Carson City, NV 89701-4747

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