Senator Tina Smith supports federal legalization and regulation of adult-use marijuana. She supports a model of marijuana oversight similar to the current oversight on tobacco and alcohol. Smith understands the systematic racist roots of cannabis policy and advocates to combat this through thoughtful policies.
Holds office U.S. Senate
S.4386 - Substance Regulation and Safety Act of 2020
"Cannabis is legal in Minnesota starting today and minor offenses are being expunged from people’s records. Let’s take this nationwide." (August 1, 2023).
"Legal cannabis shops should be treated like every other business. Forcing them to operate in the shadows is impractical, dangerous, and not to mention – a huge pain for consumers. The #SAFEBankingAct would fix that." (April 27, 2023).
"The federal prohabition on marijuana is a failed policy that contributes to mass incarceration and the racist overpolicing of communities of color. It is time to end that policy," said Sen. Smith in article on (August 3, 2020)
"It’s time we federally legalize marijuana and reform the criminal justice laws behind it.
I’ve introduced legislation that would deschedule cannabis on the federal level, retroactively clear thousands of criminal offenses, and regulate to protect the health, safety, and civil rights of communities." (August 3, 2020).
Phone: 202-224-5641
720 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510