Holds office U.S. House District 8
Should people convicted of non-violent drug offenses be released from prison and their records expunged?
It is well known that our federal prison system is costly to taxpayers, loaded with first time offenders and non-violent drug offenders. As a former law enforcement officer, I enforced the law and brought people to justice. That being said, it depends on what the changes in proposed legislation would be, and I could be amenable to common sense reform.
Do you support changing the law to release non-violent drug offenders currently serving federal prison terms?
It is well known that our federal prison system is costly to taxpayers, loaded with first time offenders and non-violent drug offenders. As a former law enforcement officer, I enforced the law and brought people to justice. That being said, it depends on what the changes in proposed legislation would be, and I could be amenable to common sense reform. Link
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Washington, DC 20515