Holds office U.S. House District 15
Although Councilman Torres hasn't made any statements of late regarding legalizaton: all signs still indicate the presumtive winner of NY-15 is in favor of full legalization. Since the start of his political career in the New York City Council Torres has either led or backed citywide propsoals for legalization of cannabis use on the adult level. In reference to the city's proposed Fairness and Equity Act Council Member Ritchie Torres said: “I stand with Assembly Member Camara and Senator Squadron in support of this new legislation. New Yorkers have the right not to have their future opportunities for legal status, housing and employment destroyed due to a marijuana possession arrest.” (Drug Policy Alliance, Major Progressive Coalition of Elected Officials, Labor and Community Groups Announce New Statewide Legislation to Address Unlawful, Racist Marijuana Arrests, July 8th, 2014)
H.R.3617 - The MORE Act of 2021
“Mr. Willmore’s story perfectly illustrates the double harm to communities – specifically low-income communities of color like the Bronx and Harlem – of over-zealous marijuana arrests… One of my priorities as a new Council Member will be to address these harms, which can include job loss, eviction, school suspension, and even deportation.” 4/24/21
2021: The Medical Marijuana Research Act, HR 5657
2021: The MORE Act, HR 3617
2021: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1996
Email: info@torres.nyc
Web: https://ritchietorres.house.gov
Phone: 202-225-4361
1414 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515