Politician Info
B- Benton Sawrey (R - NC) MEDICAL USE

Holds office State Senate District 10

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

In response to 2022 NC Family Policy Council's question “Should North Carolina legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes? UNDECIDED

With the note: "Would need to see specific bill language on scope, control, etc. Wholly uninterested in seeing NC become California, but also see the dramatic benefit that Epidiolex has for pediatric patients with intractable seizures. Conversation is more nuanced than yes/no."



B- Supports legalization of medical cannabis and/or decriminalization - voted for but did not sponsor legislation.

Voting History:

SB 3 NC Compassionate Care Act: YES - 2023

Contact Benton Sawrey

Email: benton@bentonsawrey.com

Web: https://bentonsawrey.com/

Phone: 919-715-3040


16 West Jones Street, Room 2115

Raleigh, NC 27601

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