Politician Info

14 GOP Congressional Lawmakers Tell DEA To Keep Marijuana In Schedule I And ‘Reject’ Top Health Agency’s Recommendation

Edwards along with 13 other members of Congress urged the DEA to "'reject' the top federal health agency’s recommendation to reschedule marijuana and instead keep it in the most restrictive category under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

The Carolina Journal 8/18/2023: Cherokee people should say no to pot

"To allow our citizens to travel only a few miles to buy and use this common gateway drug — which the CDC and the New England Journal of Medicine have said can result in short- and long-term danger of addiction, altered brain development, chronic psychosis disorders, and others — would be irresponsible. And I intend to stop it." 



Holds office U.S. House District 11

Position on Marijuana Legalization

ABC 11 9/4/2023: NC congressman introduces 'Stop Pot Act' to curb recreational marijuana legalization

The bill calls for withholding 10 percent of federal highway funds from areas that violate federal law under the Controlled Substances Act, which prohibits recreational marijuana and classifies it as a Schedule I drug.

"The laws of any government should not infringe on the overall laws of our nation, and federal funds should not be awarded to jurisdictions that willfully ignore federal law. During a time when our communities are seeing unprecedented crime, drug addiction, and mental illness, the Stop Pot Act will help prevent even greater access to drugs and ease the strain placed on our local law enforcement and mental health professionals who are already stretched thin."

The Carolina Journal 8/18/2023: Cherokee people should say no to pot

"During my time in the North Carolina Senate, I fought against legalizing marijuana in our state. As your congressman, I am taking this fight to Washington, DC. That’s why I’ll soon be introducing the Stop Pot Act.

It’s important that the tribe understands they will be voting on a measure that, if enacted, could soon be very costly, as the Stop Pot Act will defund governments that ignore federal law. I plan to move forward with this legislation regardless of the results of the tribal vote." 

Position on Medical Marijuana

2024 Family Voter Questionnaire:

5. Should Congress legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes? NO


In response to 2022 NC Family Policy Council’s question “Should Congress legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes?” NO

WPDE News 15 6/2/22:

"I just have an uncomfortable feeling that this is going to lead to more alcohol abuse, more drug abuse and being a gateway drug here in North Carolina," said Republican Sen. Chuck Edwards. "It really seems to not provide any real medical benefit other than allowing folks that are experiencing medical problems to be high."

BlueRidgeNow - 6/23/2021:

"I do have a number of concerns, morally and otherwise, but I'm trying my best to look at this with open eyes, and I might be convinced," said Sen. Chuck Edwards, a Henderson County Republican. 

Sponsored Legislation


H.R.5323 - Stop Pot Act of 2023


F Public opposition to significant marijuana law reform (adult use, medical, and/or decriminalization) but may have sponsored and/or voted in favor of CBD/Hemp specific bills.

Voted Aye on SB168-Expand Allowed Medical Uses/Cannabis Extract - 2019

Did not respond to NC NORML's 2020 Primary Questionnaire


Contact Chuck Edwards

Email: tjdavis62@yahoo.com

Web: https://edwards.house.gov/

Phone: 202-225-6401


1505 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

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