Politician Info
B Mazie Hirono (D - HI)

Holds office U.S. Senate


Strongly asserts that the federal government should leave marijuana as a State issue. She signed a letter with numerous other senators urging the federal government to do so, stating: 

“It is our hope that the fiscal year 2018 appropriations will alleviate the turbulence the Attorney General’s abrupt decision has caused and that the appropriations will help preserve the strong regulatory frameworks the states have created,” the Senators continued. “Doing so will provide the opportunity to pursue federal legislation that both protects the legitimate federal interests at stake and respects the will of the states – both those that have liberalized their marijuana laws and those that have not.”

Co-sponsored Legislation

S.1200 - Secure And Fair Enforcement Banking Act of 2019

H.R.1595 - SAFE Banking Act of 2019

S.1152 - SAFE Banking Act (2017-18)

S.1764 - CARERS Act of 2017 (2017-18)

S. 683: CARERS Act of 2015 (2015-16)

S. 134: Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015 (2015-16)


Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), who also expressed her displeasure with Sessions' decision, argued that Democrats ought to run on kitchen-table economic issues rather than marijuana.

"There are so many other things to run on, like the tax bill that just passed that does not help working families at all," she said in an interview.

Contact Mazie Hirono

Email: info@mazieforhawaii.com

Web: http://www.hirono.senate.gov/

Phone: 202-224-6361


109 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

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