Holds office U.S. House District 2
Q: Would you vote to expand Iowa’s current medical cannabis law? Legalize marijuana?
A: I supported bipartisan expansion of medical cannabis laws. We created a cannabidiol board to recommend what diseases cannabis should be used to treat and what level of THC should be used. They’d make suggestions to the Board of Medicine for final approval/denial. I think this process guarantees we don’t go too far too fast with the program. I look forward to hearing recommendations from the board, so we can make sure we continue with a program that helps sick Iowans get treatment they need. (2018)
2021: The Medical Marijuana Research Act, HR 5657
2021: The MORE Act, HR 3617
2021: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1996
Email: info@ashleyhinson.com
Web: https://hinson.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-2911
2458 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515