Holds office State Senate District 13
H.B.1066 - Prohibits the personal possession of a loaded firearm while under the influence of marijuana or intoxicated of 2022
The South Dakota Department of Revenue must first decide how Marijuana will be taxed, then lawmakers need to decide things like how it will be sold and who can grow it. “There’s a lot of different things. I’ve had phone calls from people wanting to know if they can put a greenhouse in their backyard or where they go get the application to file. There’s a lot of things that still have to be worked out,” said District 13 Senator Jack Kolbeck. 11/5/20
Email: Jack.Kolbeck@sdlegislature.gov
Web: http://www.jackkolbeck.com/
Phone: 605-773-3821
Capitol Building, 3rd Floor 500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501