Medical sales offering conservative options for pain management was a former career before being elected in 2016, but Rep. Wichgers from Muskego offers no hope or signs of relief to the sick, dying and disabled of Wisconsin that could benefit from medical marijuana. Early in the beginning of the 2019 session, Rep. Wichgers made a hard stance against marijuana reform. He was a co-author of the "BAD BHO Bill" that Republicans jammed through. The bill would have increased penalites for butane hash oil manufacturing and possession of butane hash oil products.
Holds office State Assembly District 82
- Born Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 4, 1965; married to wife Michelle (Hocking) Wichgers from Big Bend, Wisconsin; 8 children.
- Graduate Muskego High School, 1983; Waukesha County Technical College, 1984–1985.
- Medical sales offering conservative options for pain management. Coach for softball, basketball, football. Volunteer, along with wife and children, assisting nursing home residents to get to weekly religious services. Education curriculum watchdog. Former occupations in sales and marketing, and in entrepreneurship and management.
- Member: Various pro-life groups across Wisconsin; church committees and organizations.
- Former Member: Muskego Hoops Booster Club (cofounder); Moose Club; Preserve Muskego (president); Janesville Road Reconstruction Advisory Committee.
- City of Muskego alderman, 1999–2002; Waukesha County supervisor, 1999–2002.
- Elected to Assembly 2016.
March 2019 Opposed
Based on experiences in other states, I remain 100% opposed to decriminalizing recreational marijuana.
March 2019 Opposed
Based on experiences in other states, I remain 100% opposed to decriminalizing recreational marijuana.
March 2019 With regard to medicinal marijuana, I believe it is premature to consider legalization before its efficacy is confirmed scientifically. Only then, and with the assurance that it would be regulated as a Schedule II drug, would I support legalization.
Co-Sponsor of SB 440 - Butane Hash Oil Enhanced Penalty Bill
Phone: 608-237-9182
Room 306 North State Capitol Post Office Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708