Holds office U.S. House District 6
"Today, the House passed legislation to decriminalize marijuana and address the shameful racial injustices of the failed War on Drugs. I was proud to vote with my colleagues in support of the #MOREAct. It’s time for the Senate to act." 4/1/22
"Many of those laws (especially as relate to zoning) are not federally jurisdictional, but I would support decriminalization of marijuana and an elimination of “3 strikes” rules to reduce incarceration rates for all Americans. It is also critically important that we enforce voting rights laws that have been used to disenfranchise minority communities.
More generally, I will always consider laws surrounding racial justice from a vantage point of correcting past sins rather than glossing over the uglier parts of our history." 10/1/18
Email: mickey@castenforcongress.com
Web: https://casten.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-4561
2440 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515