Holds office State House District 72
"I would also be in favor of legislation making recreational cannabis legal."
(email correspondence with Chicago NORML, September 2018)
"I support the decriminalization of possession of cannabis. In addition, I support the commutation of current sentences. As a former corrections officer, I saw our prisons filled with non-violent drug offenders over the course of my career. This make prisons less safe for both inmates and officers; it also costs our taxpayers thousands of dollars per inmate housed. "
(email correspondence with Chicago NORML, September 2018)
"I would support legislation to continue the pilot program. In addition, I would support a deadline for agencies to decide if patients are eligible for the program. Personally, my brother-in-law suffers from Parkinson-like tremors as a result of a series of small strokes. The process for applying for medical cannabis took over a year, a year that my brother-in-law was unable to form basic everyday functions such as buttoning his shirt or brushing his teeth. No one should have to wait that long to get the help they need."
"I am in support of expanding the list of qualifying conditions to include any illnesses medical professionals deem treatable with cannabis. "
"Doctors should be required to inform patients of cannabis as an alternative to opioids."
(email correspondence with Chicago NORML, September 2018)
Email: support@repgreggjohnson.com
Web: https://www.ilga.gov/house/Rep.asp?GA=103&MemberID=3236
Phone: 217-782-5970
258-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706