Holds office State House District 70
"I sadly lost a close family member to a drug overdose two years ago and it is a slippery slope, so I personally do not support the legalization of recreational use of marijuana.
If recreational marijuana is legalized, then many other issues need to be addressed. Any increased tax revenue should be used to support treatment for opioid and other substance abuse programs, support of law enforcement and support for successful drug court programs. Employers should continue to be able to enforce drug free work places and test employees for drug use because it is not safe to operate machinery under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Illinois also needs to closely study Colorado and other states that have legalized marijuana to determine what has worked or not worked. In Colorado for example, since it was legalized, marijuana-related traffic deaths have more than doubled, it is now the leading cause of drug treatment among youth, related hospitalizations have increased 72%, and property crime and violent crime have both risen.
I recognize legalization may come to Illinois. If so, we just need to make sure that we properly study the related issues and have a comprehensive approach." (Daily Chronicle, 10/03/18)
SB2023 - Medical Cannabis Sunset Bill (2019)
Email: keicher@ilhousegop.org
Web: https://www.ilga.gov/house/Rep.asp?GA=103&MemberID=3120
Phone: 217-782-0425
203-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706