Politician Info
Jon Rosenthal (D - TX)
Jon Rosenthal’s support for criminal justice reform and eliminating the private prison lobby says it all. But in an interview with Texas NORML, here is what he has to say;
“I also support releasing non-violent offenders serving time in prison, particularly those who are ONLY convicted of possession of quantities for personal use.“
“ I personally believe that marijuana should be decriminalized, regulated, and taxed in much the same way we address alcohol and tobacco. I would also push for using the revenue from the taxes primarily for public education.“
Agrees with expungement of criminal histories for minor possessions.
Holds office State House District 135
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Contact Jon Rosenthal
Email: jonr.4.hd135@gmail.com
Web: https://rosenthal4usall.com/
Phone: 512-463-0722
Room E2.210 Post Office Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768