Representative Scalon supports the federal legalization and decriminalization of marijuana. She also supports the expungment of simple marijuana posession offenses.
Holds office U.S. House District 5
H.R.1595 - SAFE Banking Act of 2019
H.R.1456 - Marijuana Justice Act of 2019
In response to President Biden's pardoning of simple posession of marijuana offenses, Representative Scalon tweeted "I applaud President Biden for taking this important step forward in addressing the devastating injustices of the criminalization of marijuana." (10/6/22)
"Two-thirds of Americans support reforming our outdated, out-of-touch marijuana laws. It's time for the federal government to catch up. Today, the House passed the #MOREAct to end the criminalization of marijuana and begin investing in affected communities." (04/01/22)
"In recent years, states have led the way on responsibly regulating marijuana. But federal policy still lags behind. It's time to remove federal criminal prohibitions against marijuana with the MORE Act. #WeWantMORE" (09/30/21)
"The MORE Act is not only smart policy, it is a long-overdue step towards justice. This bill will remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and apply retroactively to prior and pending marijuana-related convictions." (12/04/20)
Phone: 202-225-2011
1214 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515