Politician Info
Shelly Hutchinson (D - GA)
Holds office State House District 106
Position on Marijuana Legalization
"Marijuana should be legalized, providing funds are set aside for education of teenagers who will still be in danger of repercussions if they use marijuana under the age of18. As a clinical social worker I see first hand the effects alcoholism on families. I don't see the same, serious implications when family members use marijuana." (July 2018)Position on Marijuana Decriminalization
"Decriminalization should have been done a long time ago. Too many families are missing members because they were arrested for having recreational amounts of marijuana in their position." (July 2018)Position on Medical Marijuana
"I think its necessary and should be expanded to treat more conditions." (July 2018)Vote Smart Key Votes
Contact Shelly Hutchinson
Email: shelly.hutchinson@house.ga.gov
Web: https://www.shellyforgeorgia.com/
Phone: 404-656-0287
607-G Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square Southwest
Atlanta, GA 30334