Politician Info
"Marijuana laws have long been used to trap African-Americans in the prison-industrial-complex. In my view, marijuana should be treated under the law similarly to how alcohol and cigarettes are treated."- As submitted to the 'NORML Candidate Questionnaire' on 8/11

Holds office State House District 108

Position on Marijuana Legalization

Candidate's response on 7/5/2018:

As stated in my answer above, I am a proponent for legalization. I believe that legalization could bolster the Georgia economy, decrease overcrowding in the corrections system, and increase research, education and information about the positive role marijuana could play in our State.

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

Candidates response on 7/5/2018:

I would like to see marijuana legalized but am optimistic that current decriminalization laws being enacted in local Georgia cities is a step in the right direction. I would like to see a statewide effort, but I will work for writing laws for legalization over decriminalization.

Position on Medical Marijuana

Candidates response from 7/5/2018:

I believe that there is significant peer-reviewed evidence that’s supports a place for medical marijuana in therapy. As several States have already legalized medical marijuana, I would like for Georgia to “catch up”. Georgia currently has laws on the books that legalized the use of CBD oil for certain conditions, however it is illegal to sell, transport, or cultivate it, so they are empty laws used for optics. I want to change this. I would like to see the day when doctors are legally able to prescribed cannabis in place of opioids for certain conditions.

Contact Jasmine Clark

Email: jeffrey.mcnair@house.ga.gov

Web: https://www.legis.ga.gov/members/house/4953?session=1029

Phone: 404-656-0287


607-E Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square Southwest

Atlanta, GA 30334

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