Holds office Governor
While the Governor has previously expressed personal opposition to adult-use legalization, he has also said that he would respect the will of the voters if they decide differently. (Link)
Governor Stitt’s administration oversaw the growth of the nation’s largest, per capita, medical cannabis access program. He signed into law Senate Bill 162 and Senate Bill 754, which expanded the pool of medical professionals eligible to recommend medical marijuana to include those licensed by the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners and nurse practitioners. He also signed legislation into law, House Bill 2612, strengthening patient protections by explicitly stipulating that registered cannabis consumers may not be denied public assistance, access to firearms, or certain types of employment solely based upon their patient status. (Link)(Link)(Link)
“Because of that state question, Oklahoma charges just $2,500 for a commercial license. Even California charges up to $181,000, 72 times more. As a result, we have seven times the growers in California with just 10 percent of the people,” said the governor." 3/7/22
Governor Stitt personally opposes adult use legalization, stating, “Marijuana legalization is “not right for Oklahoma, and I will be the first one out there telling people that.” (10/2/18) (Link)
That said, during the election campaign, he pledged that he would respect the outcome of any marijuana-related voter initiative, even if he personally voted ‘no' on it. (10/2/18) (Link)
Governor Stitt says that he opposes efforts to interfere with the sanctity of the patient/doctor relationship, including decisions by a physician to recommend cannabis therapy. “I do not believe the government should get in the way of a decision made between a doctor and a patient to treat serious health issues. I would support medical marijuana in these instances. I do not support legalizing recreational marijuana at this time as there are too many unintended consequences that we are seeing play out in other areas of the nation.” (6/13/18) (Link)
"Well, nobody is against medical marijuana. I've traveled across all 77 counties, if it's going to help a patient, most Oklahomans are for that," said Tulsa businessman Kevin Stitt.
Stitt says he is also not afraid to look across state lines for help on how to implement medical marijuana legislation.
"Looking at other states and how they implement the medical marijuana piece is the right way to do it. Calling a special session so we can actually get our own elected officials in to determine how to roll that bill out is something we should consider," he said.
Although Stitt didn't say whether or not he voted for State Question 788 in June, former Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett says he did not vote for 788.
"I just felt like it was too loosely written and we could probably do a better job with something with more accountability in it. I don't want keep anybody from getting the help they need, the medical help, but I just felt that we could create a better law than what 788 was trying to create," Cornett told News 4. "It wasn't well-written but we have to do a better job of implementing what the intent of the law was."
Both candidates agree that 788 needs to be rolled out closer to the spirit of the bill, but what about a step further? Link
Email: donelle@stittforgovernor.com
Web: https://www.ok.gov/governorstitt/
Phone: 405-521-2342
2300 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 212
Oklahoma City, OK 73105