Politician Info
C- Jon Plumer (R - WI) MEDICAL USE

Rep. Plumer is a sponsor of the Republican Assembly Bill 750 Creation of a Medical Marijuana Program. 

As a freshman Republican, his 2019 GOP Spring Survey showed over 70% support for medical marijuana.

He could have received a higher grade, but as Chair of Committee on Substance Abuse and Prevention he failed to recognize that medical marijuana could help and prevent substance abuse, a term we all know as harm reduction.  

  • Born Sterling, Illinois, March 1, 1955; married; 4 children, 7 grandchildren.
  • Graduate West High School, 1973.
  • Small business owner, Plumer Karate America. Former route salesman for Kraft Foods for 30 years.
  • Member: Lodi Area EMS Commission; Lodi Optimist Club; Project SEARCH (board member); Town of Lodi Board Supervisor; Columbia County Board Supervisor; Lodi Knights of Columbus.
  • Former member: Lodi & Lake Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce (3-term president).
  • Elected to Assembly 2018.

Member of Transportation Projects Commission

Position on Marijuana Legalization

"He is not a fan of recreational marijuana"  2020 Campaign Interview

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

Although introduced late in the session, AB 1004 to decriminalize 10 grams or less of marijuana to a fine did not attract enough attention for Rep. Plumer to co-sponsor it.

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