Holds office U.S. House District 6
H.R.2093 - STATES Act 2019-2020
H.R.2012 - Respect States' and Citizens' Rights Act of 2019
H.R.712 - VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2019
H.R.1595 - SAFE Banking Act of 2019
"Forcing legal, high-volume cannabis businesses in Colorado to operate as cash-only puts a target on their backs and our communities at risk. I voted yes on @RepPerlmutter's #SAFEBankingAct to keep our communities, Colorado businesses, and their employees safe." (04/19/21)
According to his 2018 campaign website, "Jason is fighting for federal decriminalization of marijuana" (2018)
Email: info@jasoncrowforcongress.com
Phone: 202-225-7882
1323 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515