Politician Info
Alyse Galvin (D - AK)
Holds office State House District 14
"Alaskans have voted and it’s legal here. My concern is that the small business owners are having to carry a lot of cash and it’s not safe. I would like to work on laws to ensure that small business owners are able to conduct their business safely. It’s a lot of cash. I would like to make sure that where cannabis is effective medicinally, that it’s available. One thing that comes to mind is our veterans. My understanding is that it’s working quite well for some type of PTSD and other things. I just want to make sure that it’s legally available and affordable as a medicine when it’s appropriate. I would also like to have cannabis studied more, particularly the use of cannabis among children, so that we have a good understanding of how it is affecting our youth. I think that will ultimately bring our community to a more accepting environment of safe ways of doing business if we’re also working to keep our children safe." https://www.peninsulaclarion.com/news/running-for-congress-get-to-know-alyse-galvin/
Contact Alyse Galvin
Email: Representative.Alyse.Galvin@akleg.gov
Web: https://www.akleg.gov/basis/Member/Detail/33?code=gal#tab7_2
Phone: 907-465-3875
State Capitol Room 405
Juneau, AK 99801