When I ran in 2018, I made sure to include my pro-cannabis stance on my website http://votesnodgrass.com/. It was important for me to let constituents know that from pain management, to criminal justice, to economic recovery, legalizing just makes sense.
Holds office State Assembly District 57
[from campaign website]:
"Core Belief: Marijuana is proven less harmful than alcohol and if we legalize it, we can regulate it and tax it. This would provide alternative pain relief options, keep more people out of our overcrowded prisons and be an economic boon for Wisconsin’s economy.
I support medical and recreational marijuana legalization in the state of Wisconsin and support removing marijuana from the federal list of controlled substances. Wisconsin has some of the harshest penalties related to marijuana possession, sale and cultivation. Wisconsin prisons have bloated to over 23,000 incarcerated leading to dangerous, overcrowded conditions. We can drastically cut down on the prison population by doing away with incarceration of non-violent, low-level drug offenders.
Additionally, with the opioid crisis impacting communities throughout Wisconsin, we need to consider legalization as part of a viable solution. In studies published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers found that states that allow the use of cannabis for medical purposes had 2.21 million fewer daily doses of opioids prescribed per year under Medicare Part D, compared with those states without medical cannabis laws. Opioid prescriptions under Medicaid also dropped by 5.88% in states with medical cannabis laws compared with states without such laws, according to the studies."
Email: Rep.Snodgrass@legis.wisconsin.gov
Web: https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/57/snodgrass/
Phone: 608-266-3070
State Capitol, Room 120 North Post Office Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708