Back in 2022 Marathon County a proposal to basically lower the fine for the existing decriminalization measure was met with some resistance by Jacobson. “I don’t want to see it in the hands of anybody quite frankly. I think it’s a poor comparison to suggest going home that going home and having a can of beer is the same as going home and having marijuana”, said Supervisor Brent Jacobson.
Holds office State Assembly District 87
Mayor of Mosinee
“I am a believer it’s a gateway drug,” Jacobson said. “Another concern of mine is that if you legalize marijuana and allow it to be sold at retail, and then it gets in the hands of dealers who will further manipulate that with more potent drugs in hopes of getting the purchaser hooked on it.”
Jacobsen told his local newspaper “While perhaps not true for all, for some, marijuana is a gateway drug. Further, the marijuana of today is not the marijuana of decades ago. Finally, legalizing marijuana only makes it far easier for dealers to sell the product at a loss on the street while lacing it with more addictive drugs in hopes of pushing far more serious and illegal drugs on unsuspecting purchasers.”
Jacobson said there was a time in his life when he would have said no to the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, but now he is open to hearing the points on it.
Jacobson lost a primary battle for Senate in 2022 against Cory Tomczyk. In 2018 Jacobson lost a primary election to John Spiros for State Assembly. Brent Jacobson is currently the Mayor of Mosinee. (Campaign Facebook) (Campaign Website)