Politician Info

When we research candidates for office and a simple google search turns up multiple results with that candidates name and marijuana reform, it makes the job a little easier. When the candidate also has marijuana reform as a platform campaign issue, that makes the public finding that information easier.

Sylvia Ortiz-Velez is the current 12 District Milwaukee County Supervisor and also a Democratic Candidate for Assembly District 8 in Milwaukee. She is fondly known as the queen of hemp in Milwaukee County. Past news articles have highlighted her reform efforts:

  1. 2018 supported placing marijuana related referendum on the ballot for November 2018
  2. Passed a resolution to proprogate hemp clones at the mitchell park domes greenhouses
  3. Passed a resolution to use agricultural land owned by the Milwaukee County for lease to others for hemp production

Holds office State Assembly District 8

Candidate in race for State Assembly District 8 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Position on Marijuana Legalization

I will support full legalization of marijuana for the use by responsible adults. Many people wont seek medical treatment for things like PTSD and people shouldn’t have to be sick to get the medicine they need. My husband suffered deeply from PTSD and many of our veterans wont seek help but still need the medicine to make them feel well. - source

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

Simple possession for marijuana possession should not be illegal. People should not have to worry about going to jail for just trying to get their medicine.  As a woman of color, I understand and can relate to the proven racism that has been involved in the prosecution of marijuana possesion. Here in Milwaukee County a 2016 study showed that 85% of the prosecutions were african amercian and disportionately affects people of color more disproportionately. Wisconsin should automatically expunge non-violent marijuana possession convictions.- source

Position on Medical Marijuana

I will support full legalization of marijuana for the use by responsible adults. Many people wont seek medical treatment for things like PTSD and people shouldn’t have to be sick to get the medicine they need. My husband suffered deeply from PTSD and many of our veterans wont seek help but still need the medicine to make them feel well.  - source


2018 Milwaukee County Referedum:

“Do you favor allowing adults 21 years of age and older to engage in the personal use of marijuana, while also regulating commercial marijuana-related activities, and imposing a tax on the sale of marijuana?”

  • 70% YES
  • 30% NO
Contact Sylvia Ortiz-Velez

Email: sylviasindependence@yahoo.com

Web: https://www.sylviaforwi.com/?

Phone: 608-267-7669


State Capitol, Room 307 West Post Office Box 8953

Madison, WI 53708

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