Holds office State House District 72
2022 Raleigh News & Observer Voter Guide
H576 Marijuana Justice and Reinvestment Act
A Publicly supports ending prohibition of marijuana for adults - cosponsor of legislation.
Voting History:
There have been no votes on cannabis related bills during her term.
Responses to NC NORML’s 2020 General Election Questionnaire:
Please indicate which statements agree with your views regarding justice, medical cannabis, opportunities for farmers, and individual liberties. (Agreement noted in BOLD) Received 9/28/20
The Detection and Standardization Field Sobriety Test is acceptable as evidence for driving under the influence of cannabis charges for NC law, enforcement agencies, not blood or urine.
NC law enforcement departments should establish pre-charge diversion programs for drug charges.
NC farmers should be able to grow cannabis with higher THC levels for medical use. This would benefit both patients and farmers.
As with other medicines, healthcare providers practicing within their scope of practice should have the professional freedom to recommend cannabis to patients at the dose, THC level, and for the conditions they deem effective.
Patients should have the freedom to seek cannabis therapies for their conditions at the dose and THC levels that could be effective as patients in other states have the freedom.
Since cannabis has lower addiction rates than alcohol and cigarettes and does not lead to illegal drug use, but instead reduces opioid and cocaine use, cannabis for adult use should be legal.
NC’s state budget would benefit from legalizing cannabis.
I would consider cosponsoring a bill that reduces penalties for possession from a misdemeanor to a civil infraction.
I would consider cosponsoring a medical marijuana bill.
I would consider cosponsoring a bill to tax and regulate cannabis for adult use.
What questions would you like us to answer about cannabis legalization, medical uses, the impact on state and local revenues or crime?
Email: Elijah.Bowers@ncleg.gov
Web: https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/782
Phone: 919-733-5829
16 West Jones Street, Room 1006
Raleigh, NC 27603