Holds office U.S. House District 5
“At a time when our country is suffering under so many crises created by the failed Biden Administration, the priority of Democrats in Congress is to facilitate the expanded usage of addictive, behavior-altering, recreational drugs. The MORE Act will undoubtedly produce negative and damaging consequences in the lives of more Americans across the country, whether in schools, homes, playgrounds, or workplaces. Voting for the destructive MORE Act fails our children who are subject to addictive vape products and will be more likely to now experiment with more dangerous drugs. It fails our taxpayers by giving federal funding to individuals with criminal backgrounds trying to open cannabis-related businesses, and it rewards states that are already undermining federal law.” (04/01/22)
Rep. Good responded to a constituent asking about his stance on legalizing marijuana with a dousing of reefer madness propaganda, citing unscientific, outdated takes such as calling marijuana a "gateway drug." We've got news for the Rep... it's not. (8/13/21)
"“Legalizing recreational use of marijuana, even if limited to adults, would expose our future generations to drug use at young impressionable ages...It is my hope that the Governor will not move forward with this legislation and will instead acknowledge that the many negative consequences far outweigh any potential positive revenue for the Commonwealth.” (03/05/21)
In a Q&A with iVoterGuide, Rep. Good said he strongly disagreed with the legalization of recreational marijuana. (2020)
Rep. Good sent this message to a constituent: "I write to you today to express my strong opposition to legalizing marijuana, especially in the Commonwealth of Virginia."
This directly goes against the wishes of constituents in his State, the majority of which are in favor of legalizing marijuana and agree with recent legislative changes to legalize the plant medicinally and for recreational use.