Politician Info
Heather Bauer (D - SC)
Holds office State House District 75
Position on Marijuana Legalization
I support decriminalization, decarceration, and legalization and tax
Yes, I support ending the prohibition of marijuana. In the United States, it was criminalized as a way to enable the racist war on drugs. As we push for legalization, we must also include pardons for everyone who is currently incarcerated on marijuana charges.
Absolutely. This must be a critical aspect of any legalization push and would be a crucial step in repairing harm from the racist war on drugs.
I support common sense regulations on use like current laws about alcohol use.
Position on Marijuana Decriminalization
We must decriminalize AND let people out of jail for simple possession.
Position on Medical Marijuana
SC is one of the last states in the country without allowing medical marijuana. As a state, we must continue to advocate for other options for people who suffer from chronic pain and PTSD.
Contact Heather Bauer
Email: heatherbauer@schouse.gov
Web: https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=0125568167
Phone: 803-212-6943
330A Blatt Building
Columbia, SC 29201