Deb Andraca has devloped a strong position on cannabis reform and was happy to complete the NORML 2020 Candidate Questionnaire.
Holds office State Assembly District 23
I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, and an active community volunteer. I’ve worked for large international companies, political campaigns, trade associations and non-profit organizations. I've spent 17 years in our district working hard to make our neighborhoods better for our families, but I believe that things are headed in the wrong direction.
I support the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. Frankly, I have two teenage daughters and do worry about abuse of marijuana. However, in light of the fact that two surrounding states to Wisconsin have legalized marijuana, it is easier than ever to obtain it. If we want to control it, we should regulate and tax marijuana and limit sales to adults just like we do for alcohol and tobacco. We can learn from other states where it has been legalized and put forth best practices. Also, legalizing marijuana can, as discussed earlier, help remove one of the methods used to target people of color. - source
Decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana simply makes sense. Marijuana is more comparable to alcohol and cigarettes than street drugs, yet we devote far too much taxpayer money and law enforcement resources prosecuting individuals caught with very small amounts. People of color have been disproportionately arrested and prosecuted, so legalizing marijuana will help end some of the racial disparities in the criminal justice system.
Supports Expungement - A person’s life should not be ruined over non-violent marijuana possession. A person should not struggle to find a job or a place to live because of a criminal record related to non-violent marijuana possession. This is especially true since people of color have been disproportionately impacted by these types of convictions. I applaud efforts seen recently in Los Angeles, where DA Jackie Lacey made a motion to dismiss nearly 66,000 marijuana convictions going back decades. - source
According to the Mayo Clinic, studies show that medical marijuana can have possible benefits for various conditions, such as epilepsy, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Many states have legalized medical marijuana use. Wisconsin should allow doctors to make decisions that are best for their patients. - source
Phone: 608-266-0486
Room 109 North State Capitol Post Office Box 8952
Madison, WI 53708